As a designer, your choice of font is integral to your design and vision. Yet, understanding how to get those fonts to work across different platforms for your clients' needs can be really frustrating.

Keep the following points in mind next time you are designing with a non-standard font, and you may save yourself and your client some headaches:

+ Non-standard fonts are not cross-compatible between PC and Mac. If you are working on a         Mac, and your client on a PC, you  will need to ensure the relevant fonts are purchased and          installed on all machines. The PC version for them, and the Mac version for you.

+ A template or presentation created in Office on your Mac will work on a PC. The non-standard     font you used, however, will not travel with the file. Ensure your client has the PC version of         the font on their machine.

+ When we create templates or presentations for our clients, we also need a copy of the font.

+ Before starting a design, check this list of standard fonts that work with Microsoft Office.                 Sometimes it is best to stick with a standard font.


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