How can a template help my business or clients?

© Davinci | Dreamstime Stock Photos & Stock Free Images

In our experience, most businesses, no matter how big or small, use the concept of a template already. 

You put together a deck of slides for a presentation - firstly adding your logo, picking your font, and incorporating other branding elements. The next time you are pitching to a client, you take that presentation, hit Save>As and start adding and deleting content.

And yet you spend a huge amount of time resizing every text box to your preferred font, copy-pasting the same element over and over, and generally getting pretty annoyed by the whole process.

You work the same in Word - take an old report, start tweaking it and before long find yourself in a Microsoft hell of jumping bullets, possessed numbering and inexplicable blank pages.

Why isn't your 'template' working?


Graphic and web design company