How important is the design of your logo?

Photograph of glasses sitting on keyboard
Logo design
This is a guest post from SEO experts, Tasty Placement.

Popular brands all have one thing in common: they’re successful. They usually have the kind of earnings that most people could ever dream of achieving. It’s obvious that they made a number of good decisions to get where they are, but which of those decisions were the most influential in getting them there?

The answer to that question is relatively simple. Each of the most well-known brands have a logo that represents them in a way that seems perfect. It’s not just about color, nor is it about the font that they use. The logo that each company uses represents it perfectly in terms of style. That means when a customer sees a product with a red bullseye, they immediately know who made that product and they can guess as to how reliable that product is.

You can probably understand why logos can be considered one of the most influential elements in a business’s marketing strategy. This begs another question: which elements of a logo make it successful? The best way to understand this is to see a breakdown of logos from the top brands.

This infographic was originally featured on

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Cathy is the engine behind Two10 Solutions, as well as the designer behind many of our projects. When not juggling the demands of running Two10, she sometimes finds time to work on the odd photography project.

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